Cosmetology Operator


拉马尔州立大学的美容课程为学生准备一个 career as a cosmetology professional. 设计了推荐的学习课程 以满足德州执照局的执照要求 & Regulation.

Program Outcomes

  • Models professional and ethical behavior.
  • 采取所有卫生和安全措施,保护个人和公众健康.
  • 熟练掌握各种美容技术.
  • Prepares to pass the state board requirements.

Critical Thinking
Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Active Listening
Business (Financial & Marketing)

Career Information

美容师是为客户提供美容护理和服务的专业人士. 他们专注于提升和保持客户的外表 通过各种技术,包括发型造型,化妆应用,皮肤 care, and nail treatments. 美容师的工作范围很广,比如 salons, spas, and beauty parlors. 他们也可以在电影、电视或戏剧中工作 行业,他们为演员和表演者设计服装. 

美容师必须具备出色的沟通和客户服务技能,因为他们 直接与客户合作,确定他们的需求和偏好. They also need 了解最新的美容趋势和产品,并有敏锐的眼光 为细节创建定制的外观,补充客户的特点和 personalities. 此外,美容师必须严格遵守健康和安全规定 确保在清洁卫生的环境中提供服务的规定; 而且他们的客户没有受伤或感染的风险.  


Cosmetology Registration Fee

All 美容专业的学生必须在德州执照局注册 & Regulation before the first-class day. The $25 registration 可以在营业处付款还是用借记卡付款. Bring a copy of your receipt to orientation. 转学美容学生的学费是免收的,但需交复印件 your cosmetology transcript is needed. All transfer students MUST take a placement exam, see Ms. Smith for additional information.


New Cosmetology students must attend the orientation date listed below. Students will not be allowed to start class 直到他们在TDLR(德克萨斯州许可和监管部门)注册 - Cosmetology licensing board). 如果你有任何问题,请联系阿曼达·史密斯,电话是(409) 984-6402 or e-mail

  • Spring 2024: January 11, 2024 at 10am


TDLR要求每个注册美容课程的学生都要有当前的照片. 这张照片将放在您的美容许可证和文件夹上. Email one picture or bring two pictures to orientation.

Immunization Requirements:

  1. 结核病皮肤试验(过去6个月内)在入职培训时提交此信息,或 no later than the first-class day.
  2. 细菌性脑膜炎(正规靠谱赌博软件要求)-必须在头等舱前10天服用 然后提交给正规靠谱赌博软件的招生部门.

支持材料- 正规靠谱赌博软件在线书店,亚马逊,巴诺

  • 米拉迪标准美容教科书和理论练习册- 14th  Edition
  • 米拉迪标准美学教材和理论练习册- 12th Edition
  • 米拉迪标准理发教材和理论练习册- 6th Edition
  • 米拉迪标准基础(美容美容)

Dress Code

每个学生都必须遵守由正规靠谱赌博软件美容制定的着装政策 Program and the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation.

Every student must be in uniform BEFORE 打卡并时刻保持制服.

Dress code requirements are as follows:

  • Unisex Scrub Top, Pants & Lab Jacket – All Black
  • Shoes: Tennis Shoes (any color) or Work Force
  • Hair must be neat and presentable daily. (You are your biggest advertisement)
  • 钉子:安全措施,所有的钉子应该是平均长度. Nails may not be longer than the end of the finger.

Lamar State College-Port Arthur 要求所有美容课程以“C”或更高的成绩完成并通过 获得通过州委员会考试所需的知识和技能.

Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation 要求完成并通过所有注册模块(课程) eligible to take the state board exam. 学生必须出席才能获得学分.

Course Title SCH
First Semester
CSME 1310 理发及相关理论导论 3
CSME 1401 Orientation to Cosmetology 4
CSME 1453 Chemical Reformation and Related Theory 4
CSME 2343 Salon Development 3
Second Semester
CSME 1447 皮肤护理/面部护理原理及相关理论 4
CSME 2410 Advanced Haircutting and Related Theory 4
CSME 2401 染发原理及相关理论 4
CSME 2251 准备国家执照实践考试 2
Third Semester
ENGL 2311 Technical & Business Writing 3
XXXX x3xx Humanities/Fine Arts 3
PSYC 2301 or PSYC 2314 General Psychology or Lifespan Growth & Development 3
POFI 1349 Spreadsheets 3
ACNT 1303 Introduction to Accounting I 3
EDUC 1100 Learning Frameworks 1
Fourth Semester
SPCH 1321 Business and Professional Communication 3
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics 3
ITSC 1401 Introduction to Computers 4
BUSI 1301 Business Principles 3
POFT 2312 Business Correspondence and Communication 3
Total   60

Recommended Program of Study: Certificate
course title sch
First Semester
CSME 1310 理发及相关理论导论 3
CSME 1401 Orientation to Cosmetology 4
CSME 1453 Chemical Reformation and Related Theory 4
CSME 2343 Salon Development 3
Second Semester
CSME 1447 皮肤护理/面部护理原理及相关理论 4
CSME 2410 Advanced Haircutting and Related Theory 4
CSME 2401 染发原理及相关理论 4
CSME 2251 准备国家执照实践考试 2
Total   28




What type of license/certification is needed? 

学生必须完成学习计划,然后参加书面美容 operator exam and a practical (hands-on) exam. Once successfully completing both parts 考试结束后,学生将获得TDLR(德克萨斯州部门)颁发的许可证 (发牌及规例)在州内从事美容业 Texas. 


继续教育的要求因州而异,但许多州要求有执照 美容操作者要完成一定的继续教育学时才能 renew their licenses. 这些课程可能包括卫生、新技术、 and industry trends. 


美容行业的挑战包括身体要求,比如站立 长期以来,管理客户期望,紧跟行业趋势, and maintaining a steady flow of clients. 美容师还需要管理业务 他们工作的各个方面,如日程安排、库存和市场营销. 

What kind of salary can I expect? 

据O*NET在线报道,一名美容师有着光明的前景和当地的薪水 is typically $17-24 an hour. 该州其他地区的工资略高 range. 

Sheila Guillot, Chair 
Business and Industrial Technology 

Amanda Smith, Program Coordinator 
Cosmetology, Esthetics, and Barbering 

Rikki Solis, Instructor 
Cosmetology Operator 

Sheri Richmond, Dual-Credit Instructor 
Cosmetology Operator 

Alpha Beta Gamma Business Honor Society 
Professional Cosmetology Association 
American Association of Cosmetology Schools 

正规靠谱赌博软件's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 是否符合珍妮克莱里披露校园安全政策的规定 以及《正规靠谱赌博软件》(20 USC§1092(f), 34 CFR 668).46).